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The royal castles of Denmark during the 14th century

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This book presents an overall view of the royal castles of Denmark, based on analysis of both written and archaeological sources. It focuses on the various functions of the royal castles and how they were used in peace and war. During the turbulent 14th century control of these castles was a prerequisite for maintaining the monarch’s authority and defending the kingdom against internal rebels as well as foreign enemies. New castles were erected and elder castles rebuilt all over the country, especially during the reign of king Erik Menved (1286-1319) and king Valdemar Atterdag (1340-1375). The development of castle-building is seen in close relation to the building traditions elsewhere in Europe. The book is profusely illustrated.

Vivian Etting is curator and senior scientist at the National Museum of Denmark in the Medieval Collections.

Summary in Danish:

Bogen fortæller om de store borge i 1300-tallet, der i dette århundrede spillede en afgørende rolle både i krig og fred. Særlig i Erik Menved og Valdemar Atterdags regeringsperioder er der gang i borgbyggeriet over hele landet. Man kan blot nævne Kalundborg, Vordingborg, Kalø, Gurre m.m. Gennem analyser af både det skriftlige og arkæologiske kildemateriale opstilles et udviklingsforløb over borgenes bygningshistorie, set i et internationalt perspektiv. Endvidere fortælles om borgenes mange funktioner både i forvaltningen af landet og i forsvaret mod ydre fjender og indre oprør. Bogen er gennemillustreret med farvebilleder.

  • Forfatter:
    Vivian Etting
  • Titel:
    The royal castles of Denmark during the 14th century
  • Undertitel:
    An analysis of the major royal castles with special regard to their functions and strategic importan
  • Udgivelsesår:
  • ISBN:
  • Serie:
    Publications from the National Museum. Studies in Archaeology & History Vol. 19
  • Indbinding:
  • Sider:
  • Illustrationsgrad:
  • Sprog:
Varenr.: 2475