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Denmark's Policy towards Europe after 1945

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Since 1945 Denmark's policy towards Europe has become one of the most important issues, if not the most important issue, in Danish politics. Why is this? In what way is Denmark a special case with regard to European policy? What are the basic factors in the formation of Danish European policy, and how does the study of this policy contribute to the field of foreign policy analysis? These are some of the questions which this book attempts to answer. The aim is to provide the reader with a better understanding of Danish policy towards Europe, taking into account both historical and theoretical aspects.

The contributors to the volume are experienced researchers in political science and history. They approach the main theme of Danish European policy from four different perspectives. A theoretical, a historical and cultural, a perspective focusing on policy determinants and A decision-making perspective. The book forms part of the Copenhagen Research Project on European Integration (CORE).

  • Forfatter:
    Hans Branner and Morten Kelstrup (editors)
  • Titel:
    Denmark's Policy towards Europe after 1945
  • Undertitel:
    History, Theory and Options
  • Udgivelsesår:
    2000 (2. oplag)
  • ISBN:
  • Serie:
  • Indbinding:
  • Sider:
  • Illustrationsgrad:
  • Sprog:
Varenr.: 1541