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Halicarnassian Studies V

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Halicarnassian Studies V consists of a collection of articles on various themes related to very different aspects of ancient Halikarnassos and the Halikarnassos peninsula:

Excavations in the Torba Monastery. A report of the excavation of an Early Byzantine complex of buildings at the site of Torba, north of Halikarnassos. The architectural remains are situated by a small harbour and comprise a Mausoleum, a Basilica, a Bath and a “Bishop’s House” all extensively decorated with mosaic floors.

Bozdað – an ancient town and marble quarry near Myndos on the Halikarnassos Peninsula. The first description of a previously unknown marble quarry west of Halikarnassos close to Myndos.

Tombs of the Halikarnassos Peninsula- The Late Bronze and the Early Iron Age. A comprehensive study, which brings together the rich material of tomb architecture, pottery and other finds from a period of particular importance in the Halikarnassos area.

Hellenistic Totenmahl Reliefs from the Halikarnassos Peninsula. Five reliefs of this famous type of grave stelai are known from the Halikarnassos Peninsula. Are they evidence for a local workshop or imports from places more well-known for this kind of monuments?

The Stadion of Ancient Halikarnassos. Twenty years ago the ancient Stadion of Halikarnassos was partly excavated during a brief investigation. Although the remains were immediately covered up again, a number of facts can be deduced from what was noticed then and from what can be observed on some stone seats that were taken to the Museum.

  • Forfatter:
    Poul Pedersen (Ed.)
  • Titel:
    Halicarnassian Studies V
  • Undertitel:
  • Udgivelsesår:
  • ISBN:
  • Serie:
    Halicarnassian Studies V
  • Indbinding:
  • Sider:
  • Illustrationsgrad:
  • Sprog:
Varenr.: 2293