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Tales on the Screen

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In the push for differentiation, fragmented pieces of information from family life, schooling and work shape the modern person.  In a related way, contexts, contents and procedures for delivering ‘blended’ workplace learning materialize as fluid, trans-disciplinary knowledge.

In this volume, articles focusing on didactics, English as a foreign language, computer efficacy and process writing explore this fragmentation and fluidity.  Throughout, project networking in a variety of didactic designs explores social-communicative human systems and educational activity systems.  The articles portray the processes and results of networking in a world of ‘textual’ knowledge and supply actionable pieces of advice.  These assessments and recommendations drawn from a network of Nordic educators are designed for all those within their education system, including students and teachers, and validate a long Scandinavian tradition of collaboration and inquiry.

Contributors: Barbro Backlund, Anna Birketveit, Mikaela Björklund, Ann-Marie Bäckström, Mona Flognfeldt, Thomas Hansson, Rafn Kjartansson, Lau Korsgaard, Annelise Larsen, Henrik Lassen, Johanna Nilsson, Ann-Marie Parkes, Kirsten Rahbek, Rigmor Sterner, Audur Torfadóttir, Jane Vinther

  • Forfatter:
    Ed. by Thomas Hansson, Rafn Kjartansson, Annelise Larsen and Henrik Lassen
  • Titel:
    Tales on the Screen
  • Undertitel:
    Narrative Competence in Teacher Education
  • Udgivelsesår:
  • ISBN:
  • Serie:
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Varenr.: 2090