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Diana's Revenge

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  • Normalpris: 218,75
    Pris ved køb af 1 stk.,175,00  DKK

With this book the two authors penetrate for the first time in Karen Blixen research the authorial mask, composed of colorful characters and settings, of classical quotations and motives of sharp irony

In a number of detailed interpretations of the most essential tales and with the letters from Africa, they show that Karen Blixen's tales are about a modern woman's clash with the 19th century's »raison d'etre« and struggle to find her own identity.

  • Forfatter:
    Marianne Juhl og Bo Hakon Jørgensen
  • Titel:
    Diana's Revenge
  • Undertitel:
    Two Lines in Isak Dinesen's Authorship
  • Udgivelsesår:
  • ISBN:
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Varenr.: 510