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In the name of God

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From the Foreword by dr. Rohan Gunaratna:

In In the Name of God, Jan Aagaard and Lars Erslev Andersen discuss the evolution of the global terrorist landscape during the past three decades. The most profound developments they identify are, first, the shift in the gravity of terrorism from the Syrian-controlled Biqa` Valley in Lebanon to Afghanistan; second the background shift in the epicentre of International terrorism from Afghanistan to Iraq, and third, the newest land of jihad; and fourth the morphing of Al Queda from a group into a global movement.

In this important work, Aagaard and Andersen provide the background information, both the understanding and the knowledge for the West to formulate and develop a response beyond operational counter terrorism… I recommend this important work for both the generalist and the specialist.

Lars Erslev Andersen is associate professor in History and Middle East studies at University of Southern Denmark. He teaches on Middle East in International Relations and Middle East / U.S. history, and has published several books and articles on philosophy, Middle East history, and U.S. History. In 2003 he published the book The American Order: USA and the Middle East (in Danish). 2000-2002 he was granted a scholarship from the Danish Commissioner and was in 2000 affiliated as guest senior researcher at the Center for Non-proliferation Studies, Monterey Institute of International Studies, Washington, D.C. office.

Jan Aagaard has since 1993 been working as a case officer and analyst in the Danish Security Intelligence Service within the fields of counter terrorism and the Middle East. He has a major in Contemporary History, specializing in Middle East Studies and terrorism, at the University in Copenhagen and a minor in Contemporary Middle East Studies at the University of Southern Denmark.

  • Forfatter:
    Lars Erslev Andersen and Jan Aagaard
  • Titel:
    In the name of God
  • Undertitel:
    The Afghan Connection and the U.S. War against Terrorism
  • Udgivelsesår:
  • ISBN:
  • Serie:
    University of Southern Denmark Studies in History and Social Sciences, vol. 307
  • Indbinding:
  • Sider:
  • Illustrationsgrad:
  • Sprog:
Varenr.: 2060