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Beyond Television

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Since the cable revolution of the 1990s and early 2000s, the TV landscape has changed dramatically. Beyond Television explores the modern mediascape and changes in television production through analyses of prominent TV series (e.g. True Detective, Transparent, Better Call Saul, Stranger Things, Twin Peaks: The Return and Euphoria) and interviews with more than 100 people from the industry, including David Chase, David Simon, Mary Harron, Nic Pizzolatto, Beau Willimon, Tricia Brock, Jesse Armstrong, Jay Duplass, Joel Fields, Tom Fontana, Angela Kang, Peter Gould, Derek Cianfrance, Tom Perrotta, Sabrina Sutherland and Sam Levinson.

"Andreas Halskov's Beyond Television: TV Production in the Multiplatform Era is, quite simply, a tour de force work on American television from the first golden age to the present era of 'TV Plenty' or post-TV. Halskov's skill is his extensive knowledge of television and scholarly approaches towards the medium. His passionate engagement with the production of TV, how it is disseminated and its impact on the European television industry is palpable, and it makes for an immersive, informative and entertaining read. This book is a 'must-buy' for TV scholars and students as well as a general reading public interested in the history of today's dominant entertainment medium."

- Prof. Kim Akass (co-author of Quality TV and TV's Betty Goes Global).

"Andreas Halskov has written a very timely and important book. He gives us a fascinating and deep look into the American-global creative media industries, and by doing that he contributes to the ungoing political media debate. His optimism and passion for the new forms of TV narratives is paired with realism and works against more gloomy perspectives on globalisation. His book brings us into a fascinating new world of TV narratives, and into the creative minds of many of the people that have created a new more diverse and complex way of telling stories on TV. It is a book about American TV, but it is of great importance for the understanding of also national TV cultures in Europe."

- Ib Bondebjerg, professor emeritus, Department of Communication, University of Copenhagen.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Nanna Frank Rasmussen, Politiken.

"Zusammenfassend stellt Halskov fest, dass wir noch nicht „jenseits des Fernsehens“ angekommen sind, wie es der Titel des Buches suggeriert, aber die modernen transnationalen Fernsehserien unser „traditionelles und begrenztes Verständnis des Mediums Fernsehen herausfordern“ (S. 355). Das Buch ist die bisher konziseste und detailreichste Beschreibung dieser Veränderungen. Sie besticht vor allem auch durch die exemplarische Analyse von Serien, an denen verschiedene Aspekte der Veränderungen illustriert werden."

Prof. i. R. Dr. Lothar Mikos, mediendiskurs.

Andreas Halskov (b. 1981) holds an MA in Film Studies from Copenhagen University. Halskov is a lecturer in Media Studies, and he works as a film and TV expert in different media and as a curator of film historical screenings for The Danish Film Institute (DFI), besides being an editor of the scholarly film journal 16:9. Halskov has published numerous articles and books, and he has co-written and edited three anthologies about modern American TV drama, film and TV comedy and television in the age of streaming. He has also contributed to international anthologies and written an English book called TV Peaks: Twin Peaks and Modern Television Drama (2015), and he has worked on a documentary project with HBO Nordic and hosted various industry seminars and talks, e.g. at Aarhus Series Festival.

  • Forfatter:
    Andreas Halskov
  • Titel:
    Beyond Television
  • Undertitel:
    TV Production in the Multiplatform Era
  • Udgivelsesår:
  • ISBN:
  • Serie:
    University of Southern Denmark Studies in Art History, vol. 13
  • Indbinding:
  • Sider:
  • Illustrationsgrad:
    Richly illustrated in colour
  • Sprog:
Varenr.: 3350